2004 Sequoia Falco F8L
Manufacturer: Sequoia
Model: Falco F8L
Category: Experimental/Homebuilt Aircraft
Year: 2004
Serial#: 1053
Condition: Used
Price: $127,500
Registration#: N51FL
Total time: 625
Number of seats: 2
DESCRIPTION: N51FL – 2004 FALCO F8.L with 625TT Airframe, 625 TSMOH Engine (Lycoming IO-320 B1A), 50 SNEW GT Composite Prop. Equipped as follows – AFS AF-5500 Touch Screen EFIS w/traffic & weather, Truetrak Vision 385 Autopilot (Coupled Precision Approaches), Garmin 480W (WAAS-certified GPS/Comm), Flight Line -360 Comm, PS Eng. 4000 audio panel, Sandia STX165 transponder, Dynon D3 backup Artificial Horizon, Echo ADS-B in/out, Mid-Continent 200-306 vor/LOC/ILS, G-meter, Clock, 1 slick mag, 1 P-mag, Plane Power Alternator, AeroLed Pulse Sunspot, BC 700 oil filter, Strobe lights, Hooker inertia reel shoulder harnesses, Skytec starter, Odyssey Battery, New Dark Grey cloth interior, Grey tinted canopy, Exterior Yellow/grey
Ceramic coating (Johns360), Full IFR (both 91.411 & 91.413 current).
165 Knots (190mph) at 25/25 burning 9 gph @ 4000’ or 7.9 @ 10000’
The Falco F8.L is the 8th design of Aircraft designer Stelio Frati, who also designed the SF-260 and S211 jet, both aircraft used in upset training and dog fighting. – Built by Robert Brantley, N51FL is fully aerobatic and has a 2-gallon inverted tank. The flight controls are harmonized in both pitch and roll. 45-degree bank turns can be achieved with your feet off the rudder pedals and you will stay coordinated. N1FL has a useful load of 963 pounds, a service ceiling of over 19,000 feet and a range of 860 miles. Climb rates are over 1000 ft/min even at MGW and dirty stalls speed of less than 60 mph. Despite sporty flying capabilities, the aircraft is easy to fly and best of all, you can do your own maintenance!
Based 0TX1.
PROP: New GT prop installed 8/2020. It is like a MT Prop – it has a wood core and composite covering. This GT prop is made in Italy and eliminates 99% of the vibration.
INSPECTION STATUS: 1/11/23 Annual inspection performed at 614.4 TT. Logbooks available.
Contact: Mark Woods
Phone 810-417-9950
Email Mark
Disclaimer: Specifications are believed to be accurate and complete, however, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to verify the aircraft’s specifications. We welcome and encourage physical inspection of the aircraft and review of its records.